5 Ways to Utilize Technology for your Small Business

Garrett Handley • December 7, 2021
Garrett Handley • December 7, 2021
Garrett Handley • December 7, 2021

Technology has been a significant factor in the business world for many years now. It's become so prominent that people can't imagine running a company without it. But how do you know which technologies are right for your small business? This article will look at 5 of the most popular uses of technology in today's small businesses and some tips on how to utilize them effectively.

Benefits of Technology for Your Small Business

Countless benefits come from using technology for your small business. Things have changed significantly since the days companies needed to invest in a computer and software just to be able to send out a mass email. Today, businesses can utilize all sorts of apps and programs to enhance their bottom line and increase productivity.

Every day, new technology emerges to help make businesses run more efficiently, boost productivity and make life easier. When utilizing this new technology, the ultimate objective is to increase productivity, streamline workflow, and save time and money through automation. Let's take a look at some of the most popular uses of technology in the workplace today.

Productivity Tools

Using productivity software is a great way to keep track of your work schedule and deadlines. By keeping everything organized in one place, you can avoid the stress of trying to remember everything.

There are a number of different productivity software programs available, so it's important to find one that best suits your needs. Some programs allow you to create to-do lists, set reminders, and track your progress. Others provide features such as time tracking, invoicing, and project management.

No matter which program you choose, it's important to use it regularly and update it accordingly. This will ensure that all your information is current and easy to access.

Tips for Using Productivity Tools

  1. Make sure to use the software regularly and update it accordingly. This will ensure that all your information is current and easy to access.
  2. Find a program that best suits your needs and stick with it.
  3. Utilize the different features of the program to their fullest potential in order to increase productivity.

Utilize Online Payment Systems

The intent of utilizing an online payment system is also to increase productivity, as it is a time-saving and money-saving tool.

Several benefits come from utilizing an online payment system. For example, you can streamline your billing processes by paying all of your employees with one click on a computer or mobile phone. These instant payments can also help you keep track of your finances because you won't have to wait for your employees to deposit their checks on a weekly basis. If you're a small business owner, then I'm sure you have had those employees who hoard checks for weeks and hit you with a large, unexpected payment at once.

You need to consider a few things when using an online payment system for the first time, so you don't run into any issues. There are dozens of systems out there, so you want to make sure that the payment systems integrate with your POS system, your online store, invoicing, etc. You should aim to have one cohesive system and not collect money through multiple applications if possible.

Tips for Utilizing an Online Payment System

  1. Make sure that the payment systems integrate with your POS, online store, invoicing, etc.
  2. Utilize instant payments to streamline billing processes and eliminate the need for employees to deposit their checks on a weekly basis.
  3. Create online subscriptions or automatic ETFs so you streamline the billing process for recurring payments. You will enjoy that much more than chasing down payments from clients.

Use A.I. to Your Advantage

Artificial Intelligence has become a lot more accessible over the past few years. Now, almost any business can utilize A.I. at an affordable cost to help with a variety of tasks, including marketing, customer service, and sales.

A simple search on AppSumo can help you find dozens of emerging A.I.-focused companies that can help you with almost every aspect of your business.

For example, A.I. can help you write contentcreate videos in a snap, respond to customers through chatbots, and do any number of things you can think of. The possibilities are endless.

Most of the tools you will find on AppSumo are affordable and straightforward to use. Most can be installed in a matter of minutes, so you don't have to worry about the learning curve that comes with other marketing software.

Tips for Utilizing A.I.

  1. Do a simple search on AppSumo to find dozens of emerging A.I.-focused companies that can help you with almost every aspect of your business.
  2. Automate the tasks you HATE. The best part about A.I. is that it allows you to focus on the things you love to do and hand off the things you don't like.
  3. Double and triple-check the output of your A.I. While the technology has come a long way, it is not perfect. Make sure that your outputs are factual, accurate, and represent your business; otherwise, it may add more work for you.

Automate the Tasks You Hate

Similar to the benefits of A.I., there are a number of tools out there to automate some of the tedious tasks you hate.

I have written previous articles on using Zapier, but it is worth talking about the benefits again.

There are a few tools out there like Zapier, IFTTT, and Integromat that can create mini-apps with no-code that can automate certain functions of your business. These mini-apps can be anything from adding contacts to your CRM, creating new customers out of leads on social media, and instantly importing chat transcripts into Google Docs.

Tips for Automating Tasks

  1. Evaluate the tools that you use and see if they are compatible with Zapier, IFTTT, or Integromat.
  2. Identify tedious tasks that are heavily data-entry or follow a simple process; it is very likely these can be automated.
  3. Make sure to test the outputs of your automation to ensure accuracy.

Social Media

Social media is a great way to stay connected with your customers. It is also easy to share content and get feedback from people online.

Maybe even more so than your website, your social media pages are one of the first impressions of your business. It is important to make sure that they are well-maintained and represent your brand in the best way possible.

A lot of small businesses owners are hesitant to start focusing on social media, whether it be because they don't have the time or they're not sure how to get started.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to make sure that your social media presence is effective. With free programs like Canva or Adobe Stock, or cheap options like Glorify, you can create stunning visuals with ease using their pre-built templates.

You can post about the latest offers you have, share new blog posts, and keep your audience engaged by asking questions.

Once you have a good amount of content created, use programs like Buffer or Hootsuite to post at specific times throughout the day. You can even schedule posts ahead of time so that they go out automatically for you.

You can even use apps that will curate content for you based on your industry, news, and other factors using apps like UpContent.

Tips for Using Social Media

  1. Post regularly, but not too often. You don't want to overwhelm your followers with posts, but you also don't want them to forget about you. Try to post a few times a week.
  2. Be interesting and relevant. Make sure that your posts are interesting to your followers and contribute to the conversation.
  3. Engage with your followers. Respond to comments and questions. This will help build customer loyalty and foster relationships with customers.

In the article, I have discussed a number of ways that you can utilize technology in your business. I covered how to use A.I., automation tools, and social media for marketing purposes. These are several of the best ways to get yourself up-to-date with what's happening in technology and to boost productivity within your company.

As always, if you have any questions or comments on this article, please feel free to leave them below!

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